Main heating

Main Oil Heating (Living Room)

The room temperature of the living space is regulated by the thermostat on the left side of the door that connects the living room with the kitchen. This thermostat controls the main oil heating in the living room. Heat dissipates slowly from the living room to all other rooms. If the doors of the small bedrooms stay open during the day they heat up well.

The oil pump is located in the kitchen, to the left of the stove. When in action, the pump produces a humming noise for several seconds, this is completely normal. Important: the pump needs to be permanently connected to the electricity outlet, do not remove the plug.


Adjusting the temperature:

Locate the thermostat on the wall in the living room behind the door that leads to the kitchen.
Turn the temperature knob to adjust the desired temperature. The heating will gradually adapt the temperature of the living room.
Please be patient as it may take some time for the warmth to spread throughout the apartment.

Avoid repetitive temperature changes as the heating unit needs time to start and stop.


Important for Check-Out

Please set the temperature back to 18 degrees before you check-out, thank you.

Energy saving tip

To safe energy it is recommended to turn down the temperature a few degrees (around 16) when you leave the house for a longer period and during night and turn it up again (around 20) when you come back or in the morning when you wake up.

Casa Siesta


+41 79 276 63 37